Spring Cleanup Packages Now On Sale!
Fall Leaf and Yard Cleanups in Winnipeg and all of your Fall Lawn Care Services have been made easier than ever with our 3 Levels of Service approach to bringing you the lawn care service YOU need for YOUR home. With our Boutique Service Approach we have 3 Fall Lawn Care Packages to pick from that are customized to fit your needs. Front simply cleaning up the front yard, to full property service complete with Aeration, Over-Seeding and Winter Fertilization Prep, we have it all here with our one stop shop approach to provide our clients with a custom designed package to fit the level of cleanup your home needs!
Tired of Phoning Multiple Companies for services and prices? NOT with us!
Fall Lawn Care Service in Winnipeg Made Easier Than ever!
Why Choose Us for Your Winnipeg Property Cleanup?
Starting at only $149
Starting at only $199
Starting at $269
All 3 Services starting at only $139
The process of pulling 2-3" cores from the ground to counteract soil compaction and enhance the uptake of water, air, sunlight, seed and fertilizer!
Application of a balanced fertilizer to keep your lawn green, as well as enhance root growth and root stability to sustain our harsh Winnipeg Winters.
Application of new Lawn Seed over your front and back lawn. Best coupled with Aeration Service which allows the seed the ability to plant and root deeper for more concentrated growth.
Power Edging is the removal of over grown grass along the sides of concrete driveways and sidewalks by using a mechanical blade to pull back the overgrowth, re-expose the area and restore those fresh clean lines!
The process of covering your lawn with approximately 1/2" of nutrient rich top soil to regenerate the growth of your lawn. This service is completed with applications of BOTH Fertilization and Over-Seeding to thicken and re-grow any depleted lawn!
Add Tree Trimming to any Fall Cleanup Package upon request! We service any trees and shrubs 15' and shorter.
Fall Cleanup Services are between September 25th through to October 31st, weather permitting.
All properties are grouped into routes based on location and first come first serve booking!
We notify our clients a 1-2 days ahead of time with the day their service will be performed.
No objects will be moved by Imagine Lawns & Landscaping staff, such as garden furniture, trampolines or play structure toys. For a premium clean finish we asked that those objects are placed in a manner so you are satisfied with the resulting cleanup.
We accept E-Transfer, Credit Card, as well as Cheque or Cash if the homeowner will be at home during their service.
Removal of large branches and the removal of pine cones and pine needles are not included in the standard services of any packages. BUT upon request, we can tailor any service you need into your package price so your service meets your properties needs!
We please ask that any pet owners make attempts to clean and clear their pet waste off of the lawn prior to your service being performed.