Spring Cleanup Packages Now On Sale!
The most important step in creating a thick and beautiful lawn is a Spring Cleanup to get rid of the debris and thatch to let your lawn grow in optimal conditions.
Lawn Aeration Service can be added to any package to pull soil cores to let your lawn breathe and absorb nutrients and water more efficiently.
We offer 3 Levels of Spring Cleanup Service so our clients can select the best level of service for their lawn and utilize the best methods needed each year!
Basic Spring Cleanup in Winnipeg
Starting at $159
*Based on average lot of 4,000 sq/ft*
Enhanced Spring Cleanup in Winnipeg
Starting at only $209
*Based on average lot of 4,000 sq/ft*
Complete Spring Cleanup in Winnipeg
Starting at only $315
*Based on average lot of 4,000 sq/ft*
Aeration is one of the most over-looked and best-kept secrets among Lawn Care Services, and tends to go unnoticed because there is no "wow affect" once it's completed. but having a beautiful lawn is directly correlated to a healthy and vast root system beneath it. An Aeration Service in Winnipeg especially can be important due to our dense clay based soil which compacts a lot more than regular black soil.
Worrying about fertilizer, or spreading new seed before you have paid attention to your soil quality and density, is like trying to repair the engine in your vehicle by filling it with a tank of Premium Gas and hoping "it fixes the problem".
How Does Aeration Work?
It is an invaluable step that addresses the most common cause of mediocre or floundering lawns....The Root system and Soil Compaction.
Think of it this way, "Shallow Roots, Poor Lawn",. ...... "Deeper Roots, Healthier Lawn". Simple right. Compare it to a flower garden. It's common knowledge that if you pack to many flowers or plants into a small area, they compete for water because the roots are to cramp, they can't grow an expanding root system, therefore they fail. The same applies to all the blades of grass in your lawn.
Over time your soil tends to settle, compact and harden. This is exceedingly true here in the Winnipeg area where our soil is predominantly made of dense clay. As the soil packs and becomes more dense, nutrients stop being absorbed, water is kept from soaking in and starts to pool and those two vital ingredients stop reaching your lawns root system, and the lawn begins to fail.
Aeration relieves the compaction in your lawns soil by pulling 2"-3" deep cores from the ground which allows your soil to expand and soften. Once this is the case then nutrients and water can penetrate the root system, and your roots have room to grow in the now less densely packed soil. Restoring this healthy environment allows nature, new seed and fertilizer to do it's job.
How Does Aeration Help My Lawn??
Call us today or sign up below for your Aeration Service in Winnipeg so we can get you the healthy, vibrant and green lawn you want!
Once you have pulled the cores from your lawn allowing the soil to expand and breath and enjoy all the benefits of the above processes, you need to think about SOIL QUALITY.. Having soil that is full of nutrients and organic matter to break down as food for your lawn is crucial.
Top Dressing Service is the process of adding a high quality lawn miix that contains Peat, Compost and Sand to your lawn. to add needed nutrients and the food your grass needs to be healthier and thicker than ever!
We recommend a Spring Cleanup in Winnipeg with Power Raking Service at the end of April into the start of May each season, once the weather has warmed up and we are able to take care of your lawn without damaging it. A professional Spring Cleanup in Winnipeg with Imagine Lawns & Landscaping Ltd. will help get your lawn ready to maximize rain water retention capabilities, increase air, sunlight, and fertilizer effectiveness and help your lawn be thick and lush all summer!
A good Spring Cleanup and Power Raking Service in Winnipeg will remove all the dead material built up in your lawn called thatch, creating a more drought resistant turf, reduce the need for watering and expensive bills, as well as greatly improve the green lush color and thickness.
Benefits of Power Raking in Winnipeg
Power Raking is extremely beneficial to boosting your lawns ability to grow stronger and fuller each season. To understand how it helps, you must understand the structure of how your lawn grows.
At the base is a root which is fibrous and threadlike and grows downward into the ground. It gathers nutrients and soaks up water in an effort to keep itself rooted and strong. The grass ‘Culms’, or Stems, grow from the root upward and create what is your lawn.
Most grass types have 2 additional ways that they grow. Stems that creep sideways above ground are called Stolons, and stems that grow sideways under the surface are called Rhizomes. Grasses use their Stolons and Rhizomes to spread out through the soil and generate new stems. This is how your yard will thicken over time with proper watering and fertilization.
In addition to just removing the unwanted Thatch that is suffocating your lawn, Power Raking in Winnipeg every spring will break up the Stolons and Rhizomes causing them to re-grow, which will generate more stems that begin to sprout, thus creating a thicker lawn by boosting the generation cycle of your grass!
Power Raking causes your lawn to regenerate it’s growth, and when assisted by the application of Starter Fertilizer with a balanced mix, it gives your yard the boost it needs to get growing in a big way!
Why Should I Aerate my Lawn?
Adding Core Aeration with every Spring Cleanup and Power Raking Service will help reduce soil compaction for the clay based soils we have in our Winnipeg yards, allowing the root system of your grass to flourish to further maximize your lawns ability to use air, light and fertilizer to look full and vibrant!
When you drive by a well kept home, and see a full, thick, green lush lawn and wonder how can I have that at my home? It's simple...
Select one of our Spring Maintenance Packages above, crafted into 3 carefully built packages to get the level of service YOU want for YOUR home!
The service you want, at the price you want, that's the Lawn Care Solution!
Power Raking and Spring Cleanups in Winnipeg. Get Aeration Service in Winnipeg with Power Raking.
Our Premium Fall Lawn Care Service gives your property everything it needs to survive the winter and explode with growth when the snow melts in spring.
Starting at only $459!
Your residential lawn is just like you. When you take
Power Raking and De-Thatching are two terms that commonly cause a lot of confusion in the lawn care industry, with customers and Lawn Care Companies alike.
Power Raking is a service gets rid of the excess thatch that builds up in your lawn which will impact how the grass will look and grow. It's a service that will keep your lawn looking green, not brown, thriving, not dying, and is a very common service here in Winnipeg due to our clay based soil.
A lot of confusion stems from the fact that the two services deal with the same problem, removing thatch from your lawn, and many companies unfortunately use the term interchangeably, when in fact both services have very specific meanings.
It should not be a customer's job to ask whether the Lawn Care Company in Winnipeg they are calling offers "Power Raking", or "De-Thatching", or both.
To explain, lets define each term for it's literal meaning:
POWER RAKING: This is the less aggressive service of the two. It is perfect for when a client's lawn has a small amount of Thatch, typically build up over a 1-2 years, that needs to be thinned out and removed. A Power Rake is a mechanical machine that cleans out the dead material and allows the live green grass blades to flourish due to removing the excess that has been matted down around it. This service is performed by using a mechanical Power Rake with the flail blades or Wire Tines set in a mid to high position. By being in the mid to high position, they do not dig very deeply into the ground, only removing the top intended layer, that being the built up thatch.
DE-THATCHING: this is the more aggressive service of the two. This process also uses a mechanical Power Rake with the flail blades set in the low position that will grab and dig the thatch from down in the soil of the turf. Because it does so, it also can rip out large portions of the grass that is still alive, but it is done for a specific purpose, not by accident. This process is a restorative service commonly used on lawns that have not had a Power Raking Service in many many years and are suffering from excessive Thatch and Brown dead grass. It is also commonly performed as the first step prior to Top Dressing and Over-Seeding Services when you want to begin re-growing your lawn from scratch.
Which Method is Better?
The easy answer is, "Power Raking is for preventative yearly maintenance", and "De-Thatching is a restorative or aggressive overhaul of your lawn".
Benefits of Power Raking in Winnipeg:
Why Choose Imagine Lawns & Landscaping Ltd.?
Find a Lawn Care Company in Winnipeg that will be real with you, that knows their industry, and are able to explain the lawn service you need and are getting for your home. Any and every lawn care company in Winnipeg should provide you that Professional Service, and we do, every time.
With us, we bring a level of customer service that takes the thinking and knowing all the industry terms and machinery out of the equation. Leave that to us!
With our Power Raking Services in Winnipeg we will explain and provide the level of service to your lawn that it requires when we arrive and check the turf. We will do a quick inspection on the amount of Thatch you have before we turn on any machines, or do any work, so that you can rest assured your getting the RIGHT LEVEL OF SERVICE for YOUR PROPERTY!
When calling multiple lawn care companies this Spring, remember to ask those questions, and if the representative on the other end seems confused, or doesn't give you a straight answer, they shouldn't be the company for you.
Imagine Lawns & Landscaping Ltd. is a one stop shop for Professional , Customized and Client Friendly Lawn Care Service in Winnipeg, give us a call or send us your information below!
Spring Cleanups in Winnipeg. Spring Lawn Care. Power Raking Services in Winnipeg and Spring Cleanups
Organic matter is getting produced in your typical Winnipeg lawn faster than it can decompose. This organic matter is called Thatch, and it slowly develops up over time and builds to a thickness that begins causing problems. It is a mixture of decomposed and un-decomposed plant material that is tightly woven between the living tissue of the lawn, called the Crown, and the base which is the soil.
Thatch accumulates after each summer at a based on many maintenance and environmental factors.
A small amount of thatch can improve the durability of any lawn which assists in keeping the soil cooler during the hot months of the year, as well as numerous other benefits.
Excessive amounts of Thatch attract insects and harbor disease making the lawn unhealthy and more susceptible to drought. this is especially the case in a climate like Manitoba. Because of the side affects of this thatch build up, yards in Winnipeg will drastically benefit from yearly Power Raking to keep this added debris at a healthy level.
The matted concentration of thatch can have positive and negative outcomes on your lawn, depending on the thickness that it is at. A small amount of thatch can help with the durability of your grass roots and soil stability. Large amounts of that hamper water and sunlight from reaching the soil levels where it is needed.
A mechanical Power Rake is used to remove the Thatch lawyer from your lawn and should typically be performed each year, depending on the condition of you lawn.
Removing this thick lawyer of Thatch allows the water and sun to penetrate the soil and allow for proper growth of your grass. Other methods like Aeration can also assist in removing small amounts of Thatch, which allows Over-Seeding and Fertilization to be more effective.
1. Clay Based Soils
Lawns with a high clay base like Winnipeg accumulate thatch must faster than grass that is growing on a softer soil based environment. Most lawns are found to have an extremely high clay content which creates more show root development which leads to thatch having an even higher impact on the healthy of your lawn. Yearling Power Raking is required to reduce this.
2. Side-effects of Constant Fertilization
Applying a nitrogen fertilizer in the spring time can highly increase the rate in which thatch develops, but due to our dry and arid climate, Nitrogen fertilizer is used to keep the grass green. Highly and well maintained lawns require nitrogen based fertilizers to look that way, but adversely require yearly Power Raking to manage the Thatch growth.
3. Lack of Maintenance
Yearly lawn care and maintenance will reduce the amount of thatch in your lawn, but occasionally bagging your clippings after mowing, not letting the grass get to high and making sure to Power Rake Yearly. If a yard has not been Power Raked for a few seasons, or has not had periodic Aeration Services, the Thatch build up will absolutely be at a harmful level and be the cause of brown, patchy and failing lawns.
4. Poorly Aerated Soil.
Poorly Aerated lawns leave the ground highly impacted, dense and tight. Yearly aeration can allow the soil to breath and move thus allowing for better growing conditions of the root system. It allows for better uptake of water, nutrients and sunlight, all of which help combat excessive Thatch.
Spring cleanup services in winnipeg. Winnipeg spring cleanup company. winnipeg Power Raking service.
With our Spring Lawn Cleanups and Power Raking Service in Winnipeg, you have the ability to select the level of service YOU want for YOUR Spring Cleanup in Winnipeg!
We commonly find that different customers are seeking different levels of service with a variety of specific requirements for their property.
Instead of having to call around looking for a company that provides the level of service you want, at a price point you want, we offer "The Lawn Care Solution" by having an option for every client all in one company!
Our Goal is to make it easier to get the Winnipeg Spring Cleanup Service you want!
Our online booking and service platform is easy to use and fully integrated into our invoicing program. At Work, on the Golf Course, at the Cabin, or on the Go With The Kids is no obstacle with a Lawn Care Company like us that's at the touch of your fingers on your mobile device.
To often in the Winnipeg Lawn Care Industry, customers have to call numerous companies, leave messages and wait for a call back, just to find out they don't have either the right service for you, or it's not a price point your interested in....But not with us.
We are in touch with our clients ASAP with our Online Request Platform which we monitor constantly in an effort to get our clients what they want, when they want it, the easiest way possible!
Pick your Level of Service, Estimates and Invoices are all On-Line, and leave the rest to us!
"That's The Lawn Care Solution!"
Our Premier Level of Lawn Care Service in Winnipeg focuses on the needs of our clients through a customer consultation where all the attributes of your property and lawn are taken into account to determine which Lawn Care Services are best for you.
After a quick conversation we can assess whether you will benefit from only a Power Raking Service, if you need combination of services, or if Aeration is a better option for your yard specifically.
We provide Professional Lawn Care based on Knowledge and Commitment, designed for the purpose of Customer Satisfaction!
Spring Lawn Care Made Easy!
We are proud to offer our clients an online platform where you can request an estimate, ask questions, book your service or re-schedule an appointment whenever you need!
We want to make you getting a Spring Cleanup in Winnipeg as easy as possible!
Open today | 08:30 a.m. – 08:30 p.m. |
24 Hour a day Online Requests
Winnipeg's Top Customer Service Lawn Care Company providing Spring Cleanups, Power Raking, Aeration, Lawn Care throughout Winnipeg.