Spring Cleanup Packages Now On Sale!
The soil in which you plant your Perennials and Annual alike require constant watering to ensure they remain vibrant and alive. Covering the area with Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil assisting your plants by creating a highly successful environment for them to thrive in.
As Mulch decays and breakdowns it helps to replenish the surrounding soil and plants with compost.
Here in Winnipeg we reside in a 2-3 Climate Zone with harsh winters and arid summers. Having your Perennials covered by Mulch can help regulate the temperature around any plant to assist in lessening the effects of those harsh conditions.
Covering an area with Landscape Fabric and Mulch helps contain and protect flowerbeds to prevent hail, rain, wind and winter conditions from disturbing and dislodging soil beds.
Adding Mulch around plants or boarding sodded areas helps create a natural border and blockade for Weeds from germinating.
Pests and insects alike flourish in areas with exposed soil. By adding landscape fabric and mulch you create an undesirable environment for them to live keeping the areas in which you plant free of unwanted guests.
Designer Appearance For Your Landscaping
Create Unique Textures and Appearances
Create a colorful surrounding prior to Sod Installation.
Moisture is key for any plant, shrub or tree to thrive in our dry and cold Zone 3 Climate.
Every plant lover wants to keep their shrubs, ornamental bushes and perennials thriving year after year and there is no better way to give them the nutrients, water retention and climate control than with fresh mulch!
Mulch applications are an easy way to bring a colorful flare of design and unique curb appeal to any front yard!
Click above and send us your information and we will work with you on a creative landscaping design to fit your property!